Duration: 2 hours

Building out from the Know No Bounds core pillar of Leading Self, we get straight to work, coming face to face with bias and assumption. We look at how our brains are wired for decision-making and think about how this impacts leadership.

Working in teams, students explore ideas of leadership and followership.

  • How does it feel to say "I am a leader"?

  • Does this feel different from "I am a follower"?

  • What's the difference?

We experiment with what leaders need from followers; what followers need from leaders; find out how to flip these concepts upside-down; how to foster effective cooperation - and how to wreck it!

  • Includes the Know No Bounds Sabotage Sprint!

Students will think about how these ideas of leadership and followership relate to their own classroom and community. Everyone will think about where they follow - and where they lead.

There are no wrong answers in Leadership Lab - just testing, experimenting, learning together and having fun.

Evaluation and Feedback

on Know No Bounds Leadership Lab

96% of participants think in a different way about leaders they notice in sports, politics, culture, business and all around them

96% of participants think differently about how and where they show leadership attributes

100% of participants think differently about what leadership can be


"I enjoyed blending with others and hearing their opinions."

"I liked doing the group work and presenting back."

"My favourite thing was giving my opinion on topics."


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